UCCA is helping George Odero (Celebration Chair person, godero@goreadusa.org, 619-987-1377) recruit volunteers for the 2015 4th of July Celebration.
To ensure the success of this year’s Celebration, George is asking volunteers to give two hours (or more) of their time throughout the day on July 4. Community service hours are available.
At the suggestion of many of last year’s volunteers, UCCA is using an online volunteer signup form through VolunteerSignup.org. Please visit the Celebration signup sheet at https://www.volunteersignup.org/YY4H7.
Check out the June UCCA newsletter, cover page, for a photo and story highlighting the rich, 27 year history of the Celebration. Copies available at the libraries and online at https://www.universitycitynews.org/
And visit the Celebration page https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-4th-of-july/
for information about vendor booths and photos of last year’s Celebration.
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