It’s June and time has come by so very quickly (and with so little rain to boost vegetable gardens and drought resistant plants). Hopefully by the time this edition goes to press we will have city water use guidelines delineated for your interpretation. As I drive down Governor Drive I see many homes with attractive xeriscaped front yards. Yes, maybe not as lush as we’re accustomed to seeing, but times in Southern California have changed.
And in keeping with that theme, UCCA, with support from City Councilwoman Sherri Lightner, will begin concrete repair work on the Governor Drive medians near Radcliffe and Stresemann sometime soon. UCCA will be replacing the now existing vegetation with a beautiful combination of boulders and drought resistant plants. These costs are being paid for by UCCA dues paying members. Are you a member?
June 15 is Grad Nite at UCHS. Congratulations to all of our graduates! UCCA is very proud to be one of the sponsors of Grad Nite, now in its 24th year! Plans for our community 4th of July “Celebration” at Standley Park are ongoing, another event in which UCCA is a major sponsor. Congratulations to all the wonderful volunteers that made EdUCate!’s Taste of the Triangle such a great success.
With our schools ready to begin summer break, we need to aware of additional bicycle/pedestrian traffic on our side streets and street crossings. This brings me to this very important issue which I think most UC residents are concerned. That is the safety/traffic concerns at the busy intersection of Governor Drive and Genesee Ave. A very timely and important meeting for all UC residents is being held on Thursday, June 4 at the South UC library to review various traffic safety issues in our community.
Start the summer with us at the “Celebration” and continue by enjoying the “Concerts in the Park” at Standley Park. UCCA thanks all of its new and continuing members for their ongoing interest and support.
Have a safe and fun summer.
Submitted by UCCA President Barry Bernstein, apdrfn@aol.com
Article was first published in the June UCCA newsletter; this post has been edited slightly for clarification.
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